Fan Bearing Housings / PDNI, BL, ZLGO types

Two Bearing Housings series / PDNI and BL types

These bearing units are mainly used in fan assemblies. They can however, be used without hesitation in other applications.

  • Circular saws
  • Milling machine shaft
  • Belt drivers
  • Or similar bearing applications

The bearing units PDNI and BL offer the following advantages:

  • Simple assembly
  • Low maintenance costs
  • Efficient sealing against dust and dirt
  • Single piece housing (torsionally rigid)
  • 6 possible bearing combinations allow it to be used for various requirements

The housing body, cover and grease control disc are manufactured from grey cast iron GG 20.

The two bearing housings are designed for grease lubrication and both bearing positions are equipped with grease nipples

The two bearing housings are supplied complete with seals and grease control disc.

The two bearings housings series PDNI and BL can also be supplied as a completely assembled bearing unit with shaft, bearing and grease filling (Shell Alvania R3).

Two Bearing Housings ZLGO

Two bearing housings ZLGO are fitted with a floating and locating bearing. A cylindrical roller bearing type NU is used for the floating bearing whilst aball bearing is used for the locating bearing.

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